Play To Potential Podcast

635: 63.00 Venkat Krishnan on Philanthropy and Giving



GUEST Venkat is the Founder of GiveIndia, a platform that strives to bridge the gap between two sets of people - People who want to give, who want to try and make a difference along with those that are doing phenomenal work but don’t know how to reach out to the people that want to support them.  GiveIndia was born on April 28, 2000 out of the belief that equal opportunity is the cornerstone of civilization. All human beings must have the same opportunity to succeed in life, irrespective of the circumstances they were born into.However, this is far from true. GiveIndia strives to change this inequality. We speak about Venkat’s journey, his childhood, his time at IIMA and his early career choices before he moved into Philanthropy. We also discuss some of the questions people end up having around giving - 1) Giving time versus money 2) Raising Giving children 3) Our relationship with money and how it impacts our Giving decisions 4) Givers that inspire him Published in Oct 2020. HOST Deepak Jayaraman, the