The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

The Best Tactic For Moving Deal Through Pipe Faster! | Brian Town - 1808



In this episode of The Sales Evangelist podcast, I chat with Brian Town, a top salesperson and marketing firm owner from Michigan. Our discussion focuses on mindset, visualization, and confidence as crucial tools for achieving sales success. Discover his secrets to moving a sales pipeline faster than ever before! Meet Brian Town Brian Town is a sales professional who wears many hats. He is the driving force behind a successful marketing firm collaborating with major organizations to enhance brand visibility.  As a seasoned author and the top salesperson in his company, Brian brings a unique blend of expertise and experience.  His profound understanding of sales strategies has been instrumental in overcoming common challenges that sales professionals face. Importance of Mindset and Visualization Amid the uncertainties brought on by the pandemic, maintaining a positive mindset has never been more crucial.  We discuss the powerful concept of "flick back, flick up." This technique involves recalling a