Play To Potential Podcast

676: 102.01 David and Carol - The MOVE framework



NUGGET CONTEXT Carol and David speak about their M.O.V.E framework; M – Mindful, O – Options Generating, V – Validating the Vantage Point, E – Engage and effect change. The key, they say, borrowing from Viktor Frankl, is to create the space between stimulus and response. This is a “sampler” of what a nugget looks like in our podcast. While we have a few nuggets on popular podcast platforms, entire library of Nuggets (Categorised by themes) is available at in the Members section. To understand more about membership benefits such as Curated Nuggets, Hand edited Transcripts, Customizable playlists and Learning Community, please see the Video here. GUEST Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. This quote is attributed to Viktor Emil Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, devoted his life to studying, understanding and promoting “meaning.”  Carol Kaufman and David Noble give us practical tools that