Play To Potential Podcast

620: 58.00 BJ Fogg on his book Tiny Habits



GUEST BJ Fogg is a behaviour scientist with deep experience in innovation and teaching. At Stanford University, he runs the Behaviour Design Lab (earlier called Persuasive Tech lab). He spends about 50% of his time to Stanford and 50% to industry innovation. On the industry side, he trains innovators to use his work so that they can create solutions that influence behaviour (focus areas include health, financial wellbeing, learning, productivity and more).  He is the author of the recently published book - Tiny Habits. In this book, he breaks down his model for human behaviour that he has developed based on years of research. The formula that underpins this model is B = MAP. He says that Behaviour (B) happens when Motivation (M), Ability (A) and Prompt (P) come together at the same moment.  In our conversation, we explore the various elements of this model and also discuss how we can contextualise it to the current situation we are in given COVID-19.  Published in June 2020.    HOST Deepak Jayaraman, the