Play To Potential Podcast

463: 43.00 Rajat Gupta - Insights from his journey at McKinsey and his book - Mind without Fear



GUEST Rajat Gupta is a former CEO (Managing Partner) of McKinsey & Co. and led the firm between 1994 to 2003 across 3 terms of 3 years each. He was the first non-American CEO of McKinsey & Co. and arguably one of the first Indians to lead a pedigreed organization at a Global level. In 2012, Rajat was convicted on charges of insider trading and sentenced to two years in Jail. He recently published his memoir, titled “Mind without Fear” published by Juggernaut Books. Given most of the press coverage around the book has focused on the nuts and bolts of the trial, I decided not to focus on it. Given this podcast is about learning from people’s journeys, I decided to spend time on how Rajat has grown as a person through his various experiences at McKinsey and subsequently. We also spend time on some of the choices he has made and some choices that he wishes that he made differently at various points in time. If you are looking for specifics on the Raj Rajaratnam trial, Rajat’s dynamic with Preet Bharara