The Rags To Races Podcast: Motorsports And Racing For Everyone

Episode 13: Sim Racing Basics



In this episode, Jake goes over the basics of sim racing. Some people may call them video games, I don't. While video games are where online and sim racing started, they've come light years from the days of Pole Position and Hard Drivin'. Nowadays, even the pros use sim racing to learn an unfamiliar track or car. Anyone with a good internet connection and a membership to iRacing can run wheel-to-wheel with the likes of Reubens Barrichello or Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jake's start in the performance racing world was the original Gran Tourismo back in high school and it's grown from there. He talks about getting started with sim racing, the needed hardware and software, and just how far you can go with your "Sim Rig." As always, follow the show on Facebook at Twitter at @ragstoraces Instagram @rags2races Check out the blog at opposite lock and don't hesitate to email at Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review! Keep the shiny side up!