The Rags To Races Podcast: Motorsports And Racing For Everyone

Just a quick update on what's to come



Hey everybody! Jake here. I've got a bit of a sore throat, so I wasn't up to doing a full show this week. I did however want to reach out to all of you and let you know what's in the works. I've been busy emailing people for upcoming episodes and also working on some solo episodes to give you some great info on what you can do to reach your motorsport goals. If you haven't yet, please rate, review and susbscribe on iTunes. You can also find me on Stitcher. Follow me on Twitter @ragstoraces. I'm on Instagram @rags2races. You can find me on Facebook at and check out the blog on Opposite Lock. You can always email me your questions at As always, keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down. There are no strangers in motorsport, only friends you haven't met!