The Rags To Races Podcast: Motorsports And Racing For Everyone

SCCA Majors and wheel-to-wheel racing with Rich Walke



In this episode, Jake and Brooks talk to a good friend of the show, Rich Walke. Rich races with the SCCA Majors in STL class in a 1987 Mazda RX7. Rich shares with us some great stories, but more importantly how to get your start in road racing. Rich has been racing for over 41 years and shares his ups and downs in the sport. He also tells us how we can get our start there as well. While running in the Majors isn't in everyone's budget, there are ways you can make it work, and ways you can get involved at little to no cost to yourself. Get out there, start talking to those already racing, and jump in feet first!   If you like the show, please rate, review and subscribe on iTunes. You can also find the show on Stitcher. You can find us on Facebook at We're on Twitter at @ragstoraces Instagram @rags2races I'm now blogging on Opposite Lock, search for Rags to Races Email me any questions you may have Keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down!