The Rags To Races Podcast: Motorsports And Racing For Everyone

What is Autocross Episode 2 of 3



In this episode, we come back to autocrossing as a way to get your start in motorsports. Jake had Michael Beck, Robbie Vierhout and Adam Nielsen from the Ten Tenths Podcast on to talk about their experience "chasing cones" and just how easy it is for someone, even outside of a major area like Chicago to get started. We break away a little to hear about drifting a vintage Fiat, melted relays and fuel leaks. Jake also gets some insight on podcasting from the guys and future plans for their show. Please subscribe, rate and review on iTunes. If you like the show, share with a friend. Look for me on Facebook at You can find me on Twitter at @ragstoraces Check out my pics on Instagram at @rags2races I've started blogging on Opposite Lock. You can find my first blog under Rags to Races. I'm starting a YouTube page, so keep on the lookout for Ragstoraces there. Finally, please email me with any questions, comments or otherwise at Keep the shiny side up and the greasy