The Bossbabe Podcast

290. Design Your Dream Life - Part 1: Business, Money + Mindset with James Wedmore



Is your ego stunting the growth of your business and stealing your joy? Business gets to be light. It gets to be fun. It gets to be easy… IF you build your business the way today’s guest lays it out for you. I personally jumped back into my business too soon after maternity leave, in a way that no longer fit, which led me to burnout. I was searching for a better way to run my business in this new season and came across today’s guest, James Wedmore. James and his signature program is literally changing my life and business. James Wedmore is every Digital CEO’s best friend. Over the past 15 years James has used his expertise to teach digital CEO’s how to scale their online businesses through his signature programs like, “Business By Design!” Having figured out the formula for running a multi-million dollar company while still getting to surf everyday at the beach, James realized he could help other business owners change their lives and businesses with this formula. It might surprise you, but James has seen it