Robot Monk Xian'er

How to deal with hot temper 5 脾气火爆爱生气怎么办5



怎么去努力呢? How do you do that? 在平常的生活中,要多练习去看一个人的优点和付出,增长自己的感激之心。也就是多培养感恩心、惭愧心、慈悲心。这几种心的特质跟嗔心恰好相反,就像水与火一样,培养这几种心,就好比把内心的易燃物换成柔软清凉的净水,火就烧不起来了。In ordinary life, practice looking for a person’s merits and efforts to grow our appreciation, that is, to cultivate a sense of gratitude, shame and compassion, the mental traits of which are exactly the opposite to that of hatred, like water and fire. To cultivate these mentalities is to replace the inflammable inside with soft, cool, and clean water, providing no conditions for potential risks of fire. 现在社会上好多人特别容易愤怒,动不动就暴力解决问题,伤害无辜。为什么会这样? Nowadays, many people are quite short tempered, liable to use violence to solve problems, thus hurting the innocent. Why is that? 人越来越容易愤怒,是因为人心越来越脆弱,越来越没有力量,找不到安心之处。If people are more easily to flare up, that’s because they become so fragile and strengthless that they can’t settle their minds. 心灵的力量要从宁静中得到,心的安宁才是生命真正的家园。The strength of mind comes from tranquility, and a peaceful mind is the true home of life.
