Robot Monk Xian'er

How to deal with Procrastination1 对治拖延症1



老师好,有些很烦恼的事,想请您帮忙解答!Dear teacher, I’ve got something vexing. Could you please help me out? 请讲。Yes, please.我行动力非常缺乏,老是拖拖拉拉,常常把自己拉到焦虑和抑郁的边缘,都快崩溃了!您帮帮我吧!I’m starved of impetus and always procrastinate until the last moment,thus dragging myself into anxiety and depression, and even a breakdown! Pleasehelp me!      拖延症是一种典型的不理智行为,被情绪所控制而白白浪费许多时间,越是如此心中焦虑越深,于是情绪越重,形成恶性循环。Procrastination is a typical irrational actionsubject to emotions and wastes a lot of time. The more anxious you are, themore intense your ill emotions become. Then a vicious circle comes into being.负面情绪的产生,不是事情太多,而是最重要的一件事情没有做,一直沉甸甸地压在心头。Negative emotions are not due to too manythings undone, but due to the most important thing that has not been done yetand has been weighing heavily on your mind.许多人喜欢把最难的一件事放在最后去做,其实是一种潜在的逃避。内心深处的畏难、愧疚、担忧慢慢堆积,便形成“压力山大”,越发感到困难和畏惧。Many people like to postpone the mostdifficult thing to the end. This is actually a potential escape. Utmost fear ofdifficulties, a sense of guilt and worry slowly accu
