Robot Monk Xian'er

The bright side-看到光明面



The bright sideSeeing others with disdain does not meanthat they are no good at all. Instead, it is because we have made a habit outof being picky and whiny, seeing only the faults in others, or even blamingthem falsely. Such habit is terrible, because it will attract everythingnegative, drown people in darkness and create a vicious cycle. This has to bechanged. We should develop good habits of looking on the bright side, makingcompliments and being grateful. Let’s make a plan: everyday, find at least onegood thing that happened to you, discover a good quality in others, and say“thank you” to someone sincerely.  When we are in a good mood, we can evenfind someone we don’t like lovable. Meanwhile, when we feel down, even thingsthat we usually like can annoy us. In its essence, afflictions come from ourminds, the external only provoke it. The best way to resolve hatred in ourminds is to cultivate a grateful and compassionate heart, by learning toobserve the bright side of things and people around us in our
