Robot Monk Xian'er

One and the Same-依正不二



One and the SameWe ordinary people can’t lead our liveswithout connecting ourselves with myriads of conditions.Without parents, we wouldn’t come to thisworld. Without teachers, we wouldn’t be able to read. Without peaceful socialenvironment, there would be no stability in our life. Without peasants plantingcrops, there would be no food to feeds us...... An individual is closelyrelated to others and the society as a whole. If one can’t realize thisrelationship, but cares only about oneself, then his or her life is definitelyboring, meaningless and perplexing.   We influence others through our behavior atany moment and meanwhile are affected by various complicated causes andconditions. Therefore, we should be concerned about interrelationship betweenus and others, the society, as well as the nature, disciplining our act andmaking efforts towards kindness and goodness.   It is addressed in the Buddha Dharma thatproper reward and dependent reward are all one and the same. The externalenvironme
