Robot Monk Xian'er

On being timid-胆小无自性



On being timidCowardice is caused by illusions anddelusions in one’s heart, just as the saying goes “the ghost inside your mindis what scares you.” One is seriously troubled by delusions when there is alack of wisdom and merit, which weakens the light of the heart. “Those withmerit have a peaceful mind, those with wisdom have no fear.” One shouldexercise filial piety and do good deeds more often to accumulate merits, tolearn and think more to gain wisdom. Stay away from situations that easilytrigger delusions. Those who are fearful and have lowself-esteem are always worried about being hurt by others, because they are notstrong enough inside. Avoidance is no way out. Instead, one needs to gain innerstrength. Everyone has the power of light within, which awaits to be discoveredand brought out. To actively give, instead of passively waiting for others tosmile to you. Even innate cowardice has no intrinsicnature, so we should never believe that it cannot be changed. Start breakingthrough from this mome
