Robot Monk Xian'er

Charity as a way of practice-用修行的心做慈善



Charity as a way of practiceThe most important thing in doingcharity for public good is to have a compassionate heart and the desire to bekind. Bearing this in mind, we can do charity anywhere all the time. Make a vow everyday: may what I say andwhat I do deliver happiness and hope to others, and can be a help as well. Thereis no need to worry about failure or losing face, nor how other people judgeyou all the time. “All afflictions result from merely caring oneself”. Manysufferings originate from the extreme attachment to a self and the habituationof wrong ways of thinking. Find opportunities to participate in some charityevents. To give with a tender heart and learn to really care about others.Thus, the sun would shine brilliantly from the inside. Virtuous behavior canbring us inner peace and tranquility. Therefore, to help others is to helpourselves. We engage in charity and events ofpublic interest in order to improve the external world and to help others. Thisis a very good intention. However,
