Robot Monk Xian'er

Impermanence 无常



Impermanence  Impermanence does not deny the value andsignificance of working for an aim. It encourages us to let go our attachmentto anything.For those we love, we do not get greedy;and for those we do not appreciate, no hatred will arise. We cherish what wehave and flow with conditions. Meanwhile, impermanence represents change. Therefore, we should put in joyous effort and should be hopeful, always.  无常 不是要让我们否定追求的价值和意义,而是要让我们超越对任何事物的执著。对于喜爱的事物不贪恋,对于不喜欢的事物不起嗔恨,用随缘、珍惜的心态面对生活。另一方面,无常代表了改变,所以我们应该积极努力,永怀希望。
