Robot Monk Xian'er

Try not to worry and do your best 不要乱担心,努力去做



Try not to worry and do your best Worrying about not being able to perform well at work, one should work on improving his own capabilities and treating every task with great earnest.   Failing to trust co-workers, one should focus more on their strengths and develop good rapport.We usually emphasize much on “what I want” and strive for such direction.  We should not let ourselves set in certain situation, be stuck in our own feelings, speculations, and worries, and do nothing. 不要乱担心,努力去做担心工作做不好,就努力学习,提升自己的业务水平,认认真真对待每一件事;对同事缺乏信任,就多去了解他的优点,多结善缘、磨合性格。我们做人做事,重点都是“我希望怎样”,并为此努力,而不是总停留在某一个境况中,停留在自己的感受、猜想、担忧中,什么也不做。
