Tierra 100

Springtime Tadpoles(春天的蝌蚪)



Every spring Max and his brother Will go to the pond at the end of their street to look for tadpoles. (每年春天麦克斯都和他的弟弟威尔去街角的那个池塘找蝌蚪。)They love to catch them so they can watch them turn into frogs.(他们喜欢抓蝌蚪这样他们就能观察蝌蚪变成青蛙。)This spring when Max and Will go to the pond to catch tadpoles, they see a turtle sitting on a log enjoying the Sun. "Look at the cool turtle," says Will.(今年春天麦克斯和威尔去池塘抓蝌蚪,他们看见一个乌龟坐在一根圆木上看太阳。“看那个酷酷的乌龟。”威尔说。)"Should we try to catch it?" Max asks.(“我们应该抓住它吗?”麦克斯问。)Will answers, "I like catching tadpoles better." Max agrees with Will. (威尔回答:“我更喜欢抓蝌蚪。”麦克斯也这么想。)They fill their bucket with tadpoles and head home.(他们把蝌蚪装满了水桶就回家了。)When they get there, they empty the bucket into a big, wide tub.(当他们到家的时候,他们把所有的蝌蚪倒进了一个大大的白色的浴缸。)They cover the tub with a screen so animals can't get to the tadpoles. (他们把大浴缸盖住了,这样动物们就抓不到蝌蚪了。)They keep the tub in the shade so the water does not get too hot.(他们把浴缸放到了阴凉处,这样水就不会变热。)Max and Will go to the pond every day to bring back fresh water and leaves from the bottom of the
