Tierra 100

Let's Save Water(节省水资源)



Let's Save Water让我们节约用水All people,animals,and plants need fresh,clean water to live.所有的人、动物和植物都需要干净的淡水来生存。However,we sometimes waste our clean water.但是,我们有时会浪费干净的水。There are many things we can do to protect our supply of fresh,clean water.我们可以做很多事情来保护我们的淡水供应。Make sure that the kitchen sink tap is not running when you help wash the dishes.当你帮助洗碗的时候,一定要确保厨房水槽的水龙头没有开着。Put a plug in the kitchen sink and fill it with water instead.在厨房的水槽里放一个塞子,用水槽里的水洗碗。You can also save water in the bathroom.你也可以在浴室里节约用水。Try this:fill a glass with water.试试这样做:把杯子装满水。Then shut off the tap.Wet your toothbrush.Brush your teeth.接着关掉水龙头,弄湿牙刷,开始刷牙。Then use the water in the glass to rinse your mouth.然后用杯子里的水漱口。Pour the rest of the water over your toothbrush to rinse it off.把剩下的水倒在牙刷上,冲洗干净It is important to take care of our fresh water supply.注意我们的淡水供应非常重要。Let's save water.Let's not waste it!让我们一起节约用水,杜绝浪费!Word Listwaste:use in a way that makes no sense 浪费save:use less of something 节约tap:a metal thing in the kitchen or bathroom that water
