



You are not your age, nor the size of clothes you wear,你不是你的年龄,也不是你穿衣的尺码You are not a weight, or the color of your hair.你不是体重秤上的一个数字,也不是你头发显示的颜色You are not your name, or the dimples in your cheeks.你不是你的名字,也不是你脸颊的酒窝You are all the books you read, and all the words you speak.你是你曾读过的书,以及你所有的谈吐You are your croaky morning voice, and the smiles you try to hide.你是你清晨沙哑的声音,也是你试图隐藏的笑容You’re the sweetness in your laughter, and every tear you’ve cried.你是你笑声里的甜,也是你泪水中的涩You’re the songs you sing so loudly when you know you’re all alone.你是独自一人时放声唱出的歌You’re the places that you’ve been to, and the one that you call home.也是你脚步曾到过的远方,以及那个你称为家的地方You’re the things that you believe in, and the people whom you love.你是你所信仰的念,你是你所爱慕的人You’re the photos in your bedroom, and the future you dream of.你是卧室照片里留下的过去,你是梦寐以求要去的未来You’re made of so much beauty, but it seems that you forgot所有的美组成了你,而你却似乎忘了When you decided that you were defined by all the things you’re not.那些你自以为能定义自己的东西,原本不是真正的你
