昨日我沿着河岸漫步到芦苇弯腰喝水的地方顺便请烟囱在天空为我写一封长长的信Yesterday I strolled down the riversideTo whereThe reeds bent to drinkAnd I asked the chimneyTo write a long long letter in the sky潦是潦草了些而我的心意则明亮亦如你窗前的烛光稍有暧昧之处势所难免因为风的缘故A bit hasty and careless thoughYet my feelingsShines bright like the candlelight at your windowIf there is something vagueThat is inevitable --It’s because of the wind此信你能否看懂并不重要重要的是你务必在雏菊尚未全部凋零之前赶快发怒,或者发笑It doesn't matter whether you understand this letter or notThe important thing isBefore the daisies all fallYou must lose no timeIn getting into a rage or having a laugh赶快从箱子里找出我那件薄衫子赶快对镜梳你那又黑又柔的妩媚然后以整生的爱点燃一盏灯Be quick to get my light shirt from the caseBe quick to comb your shiny hair and preen on your charmThen use the love of your whole lifeTo kindle a lamp我是火随时可能熄灭因为风的缘故I am a flameWhich can be out at any time --It’s because of the wind