
温情小故事 | 土豆小狗



My four-year-old son, Shane, had been asking for a puppy for over a month, but his daddy kept saying, "No dogs!"一个多月以来,我四岁的儿子沙恩一直要求养一只小狗,但他爸爸总是说:“不许养狗!”One day I was peeling potatoes for dinner, and Shane was sitting on the floor at my feet asking for the thousands time, "Why won't Daddy let me have a puppy?" "Because they'll bring us trouble. Don't cry. Maybe Daddy will change his mind someday," I encouraged him. "No, he won't, and I won't have a puppy in a million years," Shane cried. I looked at his dirty, tearful face and said, "I know a way to make Daddy change his mind." "Really?" Shane wiped away his tears.一天,我在削土豆准备做饭,沙恩坐在我脚边的地板上,他第一千次问我:“为什么爸爸不让我养小狗呢?”“因为小狗会给我们带来麻烦。不要哭了,说不定爸爸哪天就会改变主意呢。”我鼓励他道。“不,他不会的,再过一百万年我也不会有一只小狗。”沙恩哭着说。我望着他脏兮兮、泪汪汪的小脸说道:“我知道一个方法,可以让爸爸改变主意。”“真的?”沙恩这才抹掉眼泪。I handed him a potato. "Take this and carry it with you until it turns into a puppy," I whispered . "Keep it with you all the time, and on the third day, tie a string around it and take it around the yard and see what happens!"我递给他一