When I was ten years old, I lived with my family in a small ranch house in rural South Jersey. I often accompanied my mother to the A&P to buy groceries. We did not have a car, so we walked, and I would help her carry the bags.我10岁的时候,和家人一起住在南泽西郊区一个低矮的小平房里。我经常陪妈妈到A&P超市去买日用品。我们没有车,所以都是走着去的,而我都会帮她拎袋子。My mother had to shop very carefully, as my father was on strike. She was a waitress, and her salary and tips barely sustained us. One day, while she was weighing prices, a promotional display for the World Book Encyclopedia caught my eye. The volumes were cream-colored, with forest-green spines stamped in gold. Volume One was ninety-nine cents with a ten- dollar purchase.妈妈买东西必须精打细算,因为爸爸当时正在罢工。她是一个服务员,工资和小费加在一起也就勉强够维持我们的生活。一天,当她在超市里比较价格时,《世界百科全书》的促销展示吸引了我的注意。那是一套奶白色的书,暗绿色的书脊上面烫着金字。购物满10美元就可以用99美分买这套书的第一册。All I could think of, as we combed the aisles for creamed corn, dry milk, cans of Spam, and shredded wheat, was the book, which I longed for with all my being. 当我们穿梭在超市货架通道之间寻找着奶油玉米、奶粉、斯帕姆午餐肉罐头和脆麦片条时,我满脑子想