A long time before I was born, my Grandma and Grandpa moved into the house on Beechwood Avenue. They had a young family of 4 little girls. The little girls slept in the attic in a big feather bed. It was cold there on winter night. Grandma put hot bricks under the covers at the foot of the bed to keep the little girls warm.早在我出生以前,外祖父母就搬到比奇乌大道的房子里。他们膝下养有四个小女儿。女孩们睡在阁楼的一张大羽毛床上。那里冬夜寒冷,外祖母得在床脚下垫热砖给女儿们取暖。During the Great Depression, work was hard to find, so Grandpa did whatever jobs he could. He dug ditches during the week and on weekend he and Grandma dug a garden to grow some of their own food.大萧条时期工作很难找,外祖父什么苦工都做。他平时挖沟渠,周末和外祖母在花园里挖挖锄锄,种点粮食自己吃。The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big front yard with shade trees and fruit trees. In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four little girls pumped water for cooking, cleaning and watering the garden. On one side of the yard, Grandma and Grandpa planted tomatoes, beans, squash, cucumbers, peppers and strawberries to feed their growing family. They planted r