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托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Talk about your favorite movie. Please include details in your answer. 解题方案:自己例子+他人例子Andy 在美国洛杉矶好莱坞环球影城 哈利波特魔法乐园和霍格奥兹合唱团合影解题思路:5Ws+ResultWhat is the movie?Andy: Harry PotterWhen did you watch the movie?Andy: When I was in elementary schoolWho wrote the book?Andy: J.K.Rowling, a famous writer in Britain. Who were in the movie??Andy: Harry, Ron and HermioneWhat happened?Andy: They went to Hogwarts(霍格奥兹魔法学校) to study.Which tools did they use?They used wands (魔杖) to perform magic and used broomsticks(飞天扫把)to fly.What did they do?Andy:  1. They learned spells (魔咒) like: Wingardium Leviosa(悬浮咒) to lift objects; Lumos(荧光咒) to glow in the dark; and Alohomora (开锁咒)to open the locks. 2. They could fly in the sky using broomsticks in the game, Quidditch(魁地奇比赛).  3. They beat all kinds of beast(怪物).How did you feel?Andy: It was exciting and thrilling.示例答案Well, my favorite movie is Harry Potter. I read it when I was in my elementary school. It was written by J.K. Rowling, a famous Br
