

We have lots of discussion topics this week ranging from Kelly’s dogs now having two legs, the fleece auction, to Marsha’s cast on frenzy.  Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android Marsha’s Projects Alexandria: The Art of Yarn Skein: Finished! 50/25/25 merino/silk/bamboo. 4oz and 454 yards. Socks: The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Finished! Socks: Regia Design Line by Arne & Carlos in colorway Garden. Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. Knit through the third stripe. Not sure I like the colors I picked. Sockhead Slouch Hat: by Kelly McClure. Using Done Roving Yarns Frolicking Feet in colorway Irish Moss. Auckland Bound: by Maddie Mo. Using Alaskan Yarn Company DK in colorway Spruce. Why Knot?: by Rachel Illsey. Using Weird Sisters Wool Emporium Car
