Your Career Podcast With Jane Jackson | Career Coach | Entrepreneur | Start Your Own Business | Careers

Trevor Weeding - Head of Operations and HR, TryPOD Australia & Enigma HR



Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!When considering your own career journey, it's inspiring to learn from those who have made successful career transitions and reinvented their career.  In today's episode we are in conversation with Head of Operations and Human Resources at TryPOD Australia and Enigma HR, Trevor Weeding.In this episode we discuss the challenges candidates experience during job interviews, discuss the worst job interview experiences and also how a badly delivered redundancy notification can affect an employee's emotional wellbeing and mental health.A little background on Trevor: After a successful 35 year career in the media industry, Trevor “reinvented” himself in 2014 and embarked on a new career path, based in Sydney’s southern suburbs, focussing on connecting local business and their community. He spent 10 years as a Board member at ESBEC, Eastern Suburbs Business Enterprise Centre, supporting SME’s with training and skills support. Trevor has also been on the boards of c