

Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Changing career later in life has become a notable trend in Australia, as it has in many other parts of the world, due to a combination of factors.While each individual’s reasons may vary, several common trends and drivers contribute to this phenomenon.   I was invited to discuss this on Sunrise on Channel 7 recently, as a career coach and career transition specialist, and enjoyed having the film crew turn up at my home to film the interview for the broadcast (watch the interview on my YouTube channel).The condensed interview is included in this podcast episode.  Let’s understand the key drivers for this change in careers for older workers in Australia, and listen to the episode for details and inspiration if YOU are thinking of making a career change. Main reasons for making a change are:·      A longer life expectancy·      The evolving workforce·      A desire for personal fulfillment·      Financial security·      Redundancy and Job Insecurity·      New education and