Your Career Podcast With Jane Jackson | Career Coach | Entrepreneur | Start Your Own Business | Careers

Adam Scougall - So You Want to Be an Interior Designer?



Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Today’s very special guest is Adam Scougall,  corporate professional turned Interior Designer who now successfully combines two careers! I’ve had the great pleasure of working with Adam through his career reinventions and delighted that Adam now blends the best of both worlds and has created the satisfying and rewarding career he loves. In episode 251 of Your Career Podcast he shares his fascinating corporate, creative and entrepreneurial journey.  A little known fact about Adam is that he was a child actor and featured in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome with Mel Gibson and Tina Turner in 1985! Adam’s story is one that is a little out of the box. We hear a lot about interior designers aspiring for luxury clients and an office full of staff. But Adam couldn’t imagine anything worse. After 18 years of people, leadership in his corporate life, he ventured out in in 2018 to running his solo design biz full time. This lasted for 3.5 years before he returned to where he started. Cor