

Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Simon Banks is an author and international speaker on creativity and innovation and a recovering artist.  He describes his geek out spot as the intersection of creativity and design, learning, people and passion. His Big Why?  To build a more creative world to enable people and business to thrive in the Modern Age.  Simon shares his successful career change journey on YOUR CAREER Podcast with Jane Jackson – be inspired to take control of your career too!Download Simon's editable Day Planner here------------ To discuss Your Career journey in real time,  join Jane on Clubhouse on Mondays at 7pm (AEST) and find out how you can create a career that you'll truly love.  Follow Jane on Clubhouse @janejackson  Support the showFind out what you MUST DO to make a successful career change and land the job you'll LOVE. Take the CAREER SUCCESS QUIZ (it only takes 2 minutes). Get your results, analysis and recommendations immediately.