Your Career Podcast With Jane Jackson | Career Coach | Entrepreneur | Start Your Own Business | Careers

Ahmad Imam - Entrepreneur, Presenter, Global Influencer



Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Ahmad Imam, my special guest in episode 203, is a highly regarded Entrepreneur, TV Presenter, Radio Host, Social Media Personality, and Global Influencer who has amassed a following of over one million professionals in under 3 years.  With a values-driven focus on impact and empowerment, Ahmad receives 2 Million+ views on his content per month and has been awarded ‘International Influencer Of The Year 2022’, and announced as one of the ‘Top 10 Influencers To Follow In 2021’.Ahmad has also been recognised with International Honours by the Royal Office UAE and awarded the “Leadership Excellence Award” leading to Ahmad being appointed as the Ambassador to the Royal Office UAE. As the Founder and CEO of ‘The Executive Brand’, an elite social media agency, Ahmad helps CEOs, Executives, Founders, HNWIs and UHNWIs amplify their personal brand, influence, visibility, and positions them as an authority in their field. You can find Ahmad hosting events for Success Resources featuri