Your Career Podcast With Jane Jackson | Career Coach | Entrepreneur | Start Your Own Business | Careers

137 Diana Holwerda How to Become a Virtual Assistant



Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Have you ever wanted to choose the hours you work, choose where you work choose the people you want to work with, leverage the skills that you really enjoy using and create your own business with unlimited earning potential?One option is to set yourself up as a Virtual Assistant! You’ll be able to work remotely and as long as you have a good internet connection and technical skills that are in demand, you can work from home, or choose to go to your client’s office or even, potentially, work from a beautiful sandy beach somewhere!This episode focuses on what it takes to be a Virtual Assistant. Support the showFind out what you MUST DO to make a successful career change and land the job you'll LOVE. Take the CAREER SUCCESS QUIZ (it only takes 2 minutes). Get your results, analysis and recommendations immediately.