

Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Mac Prichard is the founder and publisher of Mac's List, an online community for people looking for rewarding, creative, and meaningful work. More than 80,000 people a month visit the site, which includes a job board, blog and courses on job hunting and career management.Mac also hosts a weekly podcast, Find Your Dream Job and is author of Land Your Dream Job Anywhere. Mac Prichard and I have a fascinating conversation about his career journey, his career in politics and communications.Armed with a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Harvard Kennedy School and a Bachelor in Political Science from the University of Iowa, Mac was a speech writer for Governor John Kitzhaber in Oregon before transitioning to a Public Affairs Manager at the Oregon Department of transportation.Mac's career took a number of interesting turns before he transitioned into entrepreneurship and is now a successful author, podcaster and job search mentor.His top tips for job search su