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63 Csaba Toth Intercultural Communication Specialist



Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Csaba Toth is an international speaker and consultant on cultural intelligence, leadership and employee engagement. As a Managing Partner at ICQ Consulting ( he helps clients to identify and implement practical and culturally sensitised management practices.Csaba has over 15 years of academic and professional experience in managing diverse teams and achieving outstanding results with them. That is the reason why he founded ICQ Consulting where he has the privilege to work with world-leading experts in Silicon Valley, Miami, Berlin and France to be able to offer the most comprehensive solutions in his field. Csaba’s Professional background includes: luxury hospitality management, marketing and business development.Academic background: degrees in languages, international management, certification in behavioural sciences and cross-cultural models...all serving the same purpose...understanding and optimising people performance and engagement across cultu