

Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Joanna Maxwell is a keynote speaker and accredited coach and trainer and the owner of Work In Colour. She uses the power of creative thinking to help clients advance their careers and solve all kinds of problems in the workplace. As well as working with individuals and businesses, she was the resident coach on two series of Ray Martin’s ‘The Road Next Travelled’ radio show, produced by Fremantle Media for Fairfax Digital.Her current fascination is in helping people in their 50s and beyond to reinvent their work and lives, so that they can reclaim their future and create they life they want for the coming decades.After recovering from her first career as a lawyer, Joanna discovered her true calling, working with people who wanted to flourish at work, and after qualifying as a coach and trainer, she founded Work In Colour in 2002.Her popular Juicy Thinking sessions and workshops create big juicy ideas for teams and businesses, including the ABC and Victorian Chamber of Com