

Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Russell Veitch is a baby boomer who has made a very successful, career change after a 33 years in the transport industry. I worked with Russell back in 2002 when he experienced a redundancy and was searching for what to do next after working in one industry for his entire career. As the age of 52 he was looking for a totally new direction. Fearful of being viewed as one of 'the greys' he wondered if he was too old for a new direction.Russell’s background is as a chemist before moving into business improvement at Rail Corp for 33 years. He enjoyed ever increasing seniority in roles and became a business process improvement specialist. When a restructure within the company resulted in a redundancy, Russell felt at a loss.Fast forward 13 years and Russell is thriving as an entrepreneur running his exceptionally successful business, btoBusiness, a boutique consulting company specialising in helping businesses understand and apply quality management principles to