Your Career Podcast With Jane Jackson | Career Coach | Entrepreneur | Start Your Own Business | Careers

23 Felicity O'Donohue Social Kitty Social Media Marketing



Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Felicity O’Donohue is the owner-operator of Social Kitty, a social media management and online offline marketing business based in Sydney's Western Suburbs. Felicity grew up on a small farm in mid north coast of New South Wales in Australia and in her early days she dreamed of running a restaurant while working as a ‘Jill-a-roo’ on the sheep stations. However she went into corporate life before deciding it was not for her and then trained to be a policewoman. However, it was not for her and then ‘life’ took over. After marriage, children and then ending up a single Mum supporting two small children, Felicity had to take her life into her own hands. This was when she ventured into entrepreneurship. Felicity learnt everything required to run a small creative business from home and how to make a success out of it. Her priority is her children and being able to work from home was the ideal option.She created The Karma Soap Company and created beautiful natural goats