Your Career Podcast With Jane Jackson | Career Coach | Entrepreneur | Start Your Own Business | Careers

14 Doyle Buehler Digital Guru, Author, Entrepreneur



Love Your Career Podcast? Let us know!Episode 14: Doyle Buehler, digital business strategy and marketing consultant, author, entrepreneur and speaker, talks to Jane Jackson about his fascinating career path. From his early days as a Canadian military pilot and aerospace engineer to the world of business start-ups and online eCommerce business globally, his is a story that proves that where you start in your career is not necessarily anywhere near where you will end up!Doyle holds an MBA in Leadership and is the author of THE book on digital strategy and online business leadership, 'The Digital Delusion: How to Overcome the Misguidance and Misinformation Online.'A hugely successful entrepreneur, one of Doyle's businesses was names as 'Profit Magazine's Hot 50 Fastest Growing Companies in Canada' in 2008 and 'Manitoba Business Magazine's #1 Fastest Growing Company' in 2009.Doyle recently won the Smart 100 Innovation Award, ranking as Australia's 100 most innova