Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Profitability and Distance



Hello everyone and thank you for joining me for this month-end episode on goals. Can you believe this is the 8th monthly update on goals? We are 2/3 of the way through 2018! Here in the US we’ve also got Labor Day next week which is our unofficial end to summer. This is also when all the kids go back to school, if they haven’t already. September is also known as “the other New Year” so this is great time to set new goals or recommit to the goals you’ve been working on. Times of transition are great times to make changes or start something new. Our brains have an easier time accepting change during transition so take advantage of this if you been meaning to change some habits or take up anything new! Okay, on to what I’ve been up to in the month of August in regards to my goals. I have four focus areas and each area has a specific goal assigned to it. Focus area #1 Increase profitability in my business Goal: have a net income (earnings minus expenses) of $80,000 minimum this year. With the help of my mastermin