Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Sponsor Introductions Zebralove Web Solutions and Jewels Custom Books



I am excited and honored to do a couple sponsor introductions to the newest (and first!) sponsors of Women Taking the lead, Zebralove Web Solutions and Jewel's Custom Books! Meet Milly Welsh Milly Welsh is mom to 3 young daughters. When she's not helping businesses create websites and make them easily found she's getting dirty in her garden or making pottery. Zebralove Web Solutions http://zebralovewebsolutions.com/ https://www.facebook.com/zebraloveweb Meet Robin Bates Robin and her husband Marc are foster-to-adopt parents. They have adopted 2 of their 3 children - all under the age of 5. She is busy but she loves every minute of it! Jewel's Custom Books http://www.jewelscustombooks.com/ robin@jewelscustombooks.com/ https://www.facebook.com/jewelscustombooks 207-221-6973 Find more resources at https://womentakingthelead.com