Fear the Walking Dead ‘Cast

390: "What We Become" (S10E13)



Ah Michonne, we're going to miss you. What a fierce character. I'll never forget when she stabbed out the Governor's eye with a shard of glass. She always had a sense about who to trust and who not to. And she was such a badass with that katana. We had some pretty mixed feelings about Michonne's sendoff episode, and frankly we think she deserved better, but the episode had some cool things about it, and we have a feeling we might be seeing more of Michonne's katana work sometime down the road. Ever hopeful. This podcast is made possible by listeners like you (and you too) who have supported us at patreon.com/jasonandkaren. On the most recent episode of the Patreon-exclusive Jason & Karen Show, Karen and I cover the phenomenal AMC series, Better Call Saul. the coronavirus, microwave ovens, and the scale of the universe, among other things. Or if you find value in all the stuff I put out and want to show support, but don't feel like committing to a monthly contribution, you can