Fear the Walking Dead ‘Cast

137: "Still" (S4E12)



This week's episode was divisive among you guys and it was one of either Jason's or Karen's favorite in the series. Can you guess who? Also, tune in for an interview with First My Family and emergency preparedness expert Andrew Torres and find out how you can win a bonafide Walking Dead Survival Kit valued at $130. All that plus news, your feedback, and a very tiny peek at next week's episode. Only four more left people!!!! Thanks to our sponsors at fractureme.com. Go there to have your pictures printed on glass and ready for framing, and enter promo code "deadcast" for 15% off. Also, if you've gotten one of these or plan to, please tweet your support and include #fractureme. Thanks! Links: Check out these First My Family sites for great survival tips for emergency situations:* firstmyfamily.com* facebook.com/firstmyfamily* @firstmyfamily And Brittany and Amanda's Once Upon a Podcast at amandainmontreal.com/podcast Get The Walking Dead 'Cast for free in iTunes Support