Sex With Emily

Top Sex Questions in 2024: Answered!



In today's episode, we’re diving into the questions you've been too shy to ask out loud—yes, those. Remember, shame has no place here, especially when it comes to your sexual curiosities and concerns. We’re all in this together, exploring the complex yet exhilarating world of sex, so let’s break down those barriers and talk openly. In this episode you’ll learn:  How do I handle rejections for sex from my partner when they masturbate daily? If their “porn” type looks different than my body type, does that mean they may not be attracted to me? Is it normal to think about someone else during sex? How do I get my partner to understand I’m not a porn star…Yes, I’ll try things, but…I’m not that kinky. I’ve never squirted. Is that normal? How can I get myself to squirt? Can too much use of a vibrator desensitize or burn my clitoris?  How can I get a clitoris orgasm by mouth without it taking hours? I don’t like to masturbate in front of my partner because it's hard for me to focus. Is something wrong with m
