Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#162 Meet Harriet - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story



In this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw is delighted to share ANOTHER 'heal endometriosis naturally' success story! Meet Harriet, from the UK, who is an experience and sought-after First Mate who leads yacht crews sailing all around the world.  However, from the young age of 15 years old she was in chronic debilitating pain every month. Her period became so bad at school that she would often have to run out of class due to the pain, cramps and nausea, and spent a lot of time in the medical room. In her early twenties she got an internal ultra sound scan that confirmed the existence of endometriosis and cysts. Whilst Harriet would learn how to handle the chronic fatigue and adjust her shifts round her pain, the apprehension of her monthly cycles haunted her.  That's when Harriet went on to Google and found Wendy's book (How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally) on Amazon, read it through and then signed up for the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge.  Harriet then attended the in-person live Embracing Emotion