Tandem Nomads - From Expat Partners To Global Entrepreneurs! Build A Successful Business And Thrive In Your Global Nomadic

Making yourself and your business a priority without overwhelm – Emily Rogers



Listen on your podcast app:                      Resources of this episode: Listen to episode: Finding the time for your marketing activities Find below all details about Emily and her journey to growth  How can you create consistency in your business and commit to all the daunting tasks when so much is happening in your life?   Emily Rogers shares the shifts she has made to grow her business, without sacrificing her well-being and her family time.  She has become a pro at managing her time effectively and being intentional about her quality time with her loved ones. She only works the necessary hours and spends most of her time with her girls.  When things are aligned with who I am and my strengths, everything grows with more ease.  Since she has pivoted her business, defined a clear strategy and committed to implementing it consistently, she has seen her business and revenue grow year after year.   Emily Rogers is an award-winning transition and leadership coach and the founder of the Leap