Tandem Nomads - From Expat Partners To Global Entrepreneurs! Build A Successful Business And Thrive In Your Global Nomadic

TN290: Build and define your brand – with Brigitte Bojkowszky



It’s a common mistake among new and not so new entrepreneurs! – starting your brand with a fancy logo. As an entrepreneur you need to know that it’s so much more than a fancy logo, website and business cards. And if you already have a business and a brand, never stop working on it! It is a continuous effort to make sure that your brand is helping develop the relationship you want with your ideal clients. But also, a strong and impactful brand inspects our personal experiences and goes much further into your customers’ lives than you might first imagine! This week, Brigitte Bojkowszky shares with you her global expertise in how to build and maintain a business brand. She takes you through the essential steps, offers ideas about how to form the right mindset and reveals why you are central to your brand. Brigitte also discusses how to unlock meaningful relationships with your customers, use your brand to create meaning and how to maintain your competitive edge with other business owners. Whether you’re emplo