

Is the ‘clutter’ in your business draining your energy and stealing your time?And I don’t mean the piles of paperwork on your desk!If you want to be able to slow down and beat overwhelm, you need to address your mental ‘clutter’ and the tasks in your business that just aren’t serving you.Getting rid of this clutter will help you get greater clarity about your priorities. This sort of ‘spring cleaning’ will also help you align your business to your lifestyle and slow down when you want or need to and still keep your business running.The clutter is more often in your thoughts than your desktop. Simplify your thoughts to feel more ease in your business.To create a business that is aligned with your lifestyle, be able to slow down and avoid getting overwhelmed with your business, you need to eliminate all the things that are cluttering your mental bandwidth and sucking up your energy.What you will learn:Why it is important to spring clean your business to be able to slow down while keeping the business runningWha