Dragon The Dirt Show

20051030 Dragon the Dirt Show - #10



This is the "Special Edition" (90 minutes!) / Dragon was inspired by David Spade / it's time for the stories! / Dragon drools over Rocketboom's Amanda - www.rocketboom.com / sick cat, healthy cat / Divine Melancholy / new job, no job / new boss: "take ownership" / the passing of "a child in a man's body" / new boss: "you're too opinionated" - WTF? / Dirt's advice: "CYA by confirming it in writing" / www.nanowrimo.org - National Novel Writing Month - www.nanowrimo.org / it's great to be with fellow creative people / Dirt's project: "Of Vice And Men" - like Neo at the payphone meets John Galt / Dragon's strengths and weaknesses / Nonconformist Film Fest / "not to be an Apple fanboy, but..." / Dragon's project: "Homecoming" / let's talk politics! / let's flip the tape! / two key sources of life force drainage / Ayn Rand and Robert A Heinlein: romantic storytellers depicting The Ideal Man / Dirt's message delivered: "Are you going to stay asleep?" / conditioned to fear, and to blindly trust the "experts" / a warn