Dragon The Dirt Show

20050602 Dragon the Dirt Show - #2



Previously, on "24"... / no offense to transvestites / Manson Family rating / journey walk / what is the deal with the Queen? / 3 logical fallacies / The Rainbow Suspenders / what Fox News does / policemen are just doing their jobs / what does furtively mean? / jerk in an $1800 suit / O'Reilly: No Suit Zone! / Dirt has a research addiction / David Icke is not crazy / left-leaning conspiracy websites / Mulley and Sculder / geniuses vs. the rest of you guys / emotionally manipulated by films / Dragon is concerned about Jack Nicholson's "winkie" / what does "citizen" mean? / labels are powerful! / TheFreeDictionary.com definitions of "freedom" terms / Dirt has no interest in being a citizen / Word #1: "GOVERNMENT" / govern-ment = control-ment / Word #2: "CITIZEN" / allegiance and loyalty in exchange for protection? / Dragon is *not* looking forward to "Sex With Dogs" / politics is all about controlling people / Word #3: "OWNERSHIP" / In conclusion, therefore, a citizen is government property! / finally, "Sex Wit